
Home mortgage refinance: sub prime market trends

by Alan Lim
It's been said time and again that the home mortgage refinance market has reached saturation point. The refinance bubble seems to be near bursting. Rising delinquencies, bankruptcies and foreclosures are making home mortgage refinance a less lucrative than before. Are you part of the sub-prime home mortgage refinance scenario? Then it's time to take a good hard look at current trends.

Rising real estate costs

The real estate market has seen a steep rise in the price of houses - with the result that the average home buyer cannot afford to spend such a high sum on owning a new home. Even those persons who are making monthly payments towards the home mortgage refinance are finding it increasingly difficult to cope with rising prices. Interest rates have shot up, further tipping the scales against the homeowner's favor.

Why the sudden rise?

There are many reasons why interest rates and associated real estate expenses have escalated. For starters, the sub prime market borrowers typically comprise those who have already been rejected as per other more stringent eligibility criteria in the prime market. This means the sub prime home mortgage refinance lenders offer them loans at relatively easier criteria - some of them may even imply lesser documentation and background checks on the borrower. Even those borrowers who have a relatively lower credit score maybe approved under the sub prime market home mortgage refinance lending process.

The real estate segment is hurting

Delinquencies and default patterns are at an all time high. Foreclosure and Real Estate Owned is a common phenomenon these days in the home mortgage refinance scenario. Why this is happening can be predominantly attributed to the re-adjustment in rates. Usually the sub prime home mortgage refinance lenders attract borrowers with a low promotional rate. When this rate shoots up after the promotional stage, it's a nightmarish situation for borrowers and lenders. The borrower finds it impossible to pay up and the lender finds it virtually impossible to recover the money. This is also known as predatory lending - it's quite similar to hunting for a prey by luring with attractive rates of interest. Once the unsuspecting customer has been caught in the web, there's no escape and the home mortgage refinance lender extract every possible penny from the borrower. What this means from a long term perspective is that investors lose trust in the home mortgage refinance lending company. This can affect the prime market and potentially qualifying borrowers may not qualify in the prime market. This way home sales deteriorate and real estate suffers.

Growing competition

With the recent decline in home sales, most home mortgage refinance lenders are skeptical on future profit margins. They prefer to be less optimistic about the future trends in the sub prime market. However this has not stopped lenders from fiercely competing with each other. In fact, competition has now escalated because in the dwindling home mortgage refinance market, every lender wants to make a quick buck or two.


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